Ukraine Lifestyle: What Should You Know To Have A Smooth Relocation?

Beautiful Ukrainian women are known to be smart, kind-hearted, and extremely patriotic. At the same time, it’s hardly known anything about Ukraine lifestyle and culture of Ukraine. So, if you’re dating a Ukrainian lady and planning on marrying her, you probably wonder how is life in Ukraine and what are the main Ukraine lifestyle facts. The most gripping points about the lifestyle of Ukraine people and Ukraine women dating advice in today’s post.

#1. Delicious national cuisine
Ukraine shares leadership among the most “tasty” countries in the world. Its soil is rich in multiple different fruits, berries, and vegetables. Ukrainian women are virtuoso in cooking and do it with big love and passion for their husbands. So, if you want to try something from a national Ukrainian cuisine, just ask your Ukrainian wife to make these:
- Borscht. It’s the favorite and the most difficult dish. Borscht is made from meat broth and beet. Recently, Borscht was added to the Ukrainian national heritage and now is officially guarded by UNESCO, which is a huge thing.
- Chicken Kiev. Another not less famous dish from Ukraine. It’s made from chicken filet fried in oil. Chicken Kiev even figured in the “Friends” TV show, so you should definitely check it out.
- Salo. Or simply “lard” in English – the most fat-containing product in Ukrainian cuisine. If you’re living in Ukraine as foreigner, you may be shocked by how much Ukrainians love salo. There is even a Museum of Salo in Lviv.
- Vareniki. Vareniki is a kind of dumpling but it’s predominantly made with mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, or sweet cherries. Believe us or not, but a lifestyle in Ukraine includes a fridge fully stuffed with Vareniki in case you’re tired of cooking something for dinner.
- Nalysnyky. Or in other English words – crepes. It’s a common meal for breakfast in Ukraine. They’re different from American pancakes because they’re thin and larger, and you can stuff them with anything you want: whether it’s a salty filling or a sweet one, like Nutella or fruit jam.
Homemade food is a must in Ukraine and among all the Ukrainians, so Ukraine women looking for men would always show their best skills in cooking to win their lover’s heart.
#2. Unique national customs
Ukraine is a very old country with a unique history and its own traditions. Since Ukraine was a pageant country until 988, a lot of ceremonies consist of both pageant and Christian rituals. So if you ever wondered about life in Ukraine, we gonna shed some light onto some traditions and holidays:
- Ukrainian Christmas. Actually, Ukrainians have two Christmases: one is Catholic and is celebrated on the 25th of December and the second one is Orthodox and takes place on the 7th of January due to the Julian calendar. The most interesting thing about what’s it like in Ukraine is that families prepare 12 traditional dishes as there were 12 apostles and the main sweet meal – kutia. In the evening kids go from house to house singing traditional songs named “kolyadky”.
- St. Nicholas Day. Another one among unusual Ukrainian holidays. It’s held on December 19th. Parents buy sweets and gifts for their kids and hide them under kids’ pillows. In order to receive gifts, children try to behave well before the holiday.
- Easter. Ukrainians usually prepare Easter sweet bread called “paska” and color eggs in different pictures.Then they go to church early in the morning for the priest to bless the food basket.
- Ivana Kupala night. It’s traditionally celebrated on the 6th of July. Single Ukrainian girls prepare beautiful dresses and handmade wreaths, which they let down the river. Legends say that the guy who finds a wreath is a future couple for the girl who sent it. After single guys and girls are singing, dancing around, and jumping over the bonfire holding hands. If they hold their hands tight, the couple will stay together and live a long and happy life.
Ukraine is rich in unusual holidays and traditions. Once you’re deep inside these customs, you’ll understand their point and why Ukrainians treasure them so much.

#3. High quality service
Ukraine lifestyle includes high service standards. Due to the huge competition among the food and beauty businesses, each place is competing in offering the best product and giving the best service to their customers.
No matter what country you live in, you’ll always notice Ukrainian exquisite women in the crowd. Even when looking for a bride, you’ll always stop at Ukrainian women dating site, as it’ll be full of gorgeous women. They’re always good-looking with nice shiny hair, neat fashionable clothes, and perfect nails. Visiting beauty salons is a part of daily life in Ukraine for Ukrainian ladies.
Restaurants in Ukraine are also famous not only for their high-quality tasty food but also for flawless customer service. Waiters and waitresses are doing their best to please visitors and make their experience incredible. If you’re a foreigner, they’ll find all the possible ways to help you in English.
#4. Communication with locals
Lifestyle of Ukraine people is mostly about having fun and spending enjoyable time with friends and family. Another distinctive feature of the Ukrainian people is that they’re highly patriotic and very hospitable. Their patriotism is usually expressed in their attitude toward their rich history, cuisine, language, love for their recent president Zelenskiy and their readiness and willingness to change something in the name of a brighter future for their country.
Talking about hospitality, Ukrainians have no equal in the whole world. Any stranger is welcomed to their house and will be treated with the tastiest dishes and drinks. Foreigners are always welcomed in Ukraine. Moreover, Ukraine recently hit the rate of 63% of Ukrainian people speaking English, which is a really great mark. So, you shouldn’t worry about any misunderstanding while visiting Ukraine.
#5. Public transport
Public transport system is really developed in Ukraine. You won’t meet any difficulties when trying to go from one place to another, as there are many buses, subways, trolleybuses, and trams. Also, Ukraine is among the countries with the most developed digital life – Ukrainians use multiple apps to check on the public transport status or call a taxi. You also won’t have problems traveling from one city to another, as the Ukrainian railway system is also on a high level of regularity. At least one year ago you could also travel by plane, but with recent realities and war in Ukraine, all the air space is closed for your safety.
#6. Style of clothing
Ukraine is very rich for many fashion designers and clothing factories. Street fashion is also on a high level, even in small provincial towns. If at least 10 years ago self-expression with the help of bright makeup or creative looks was weird and unacceptable by society, nowadays the situation has drastically changed. You can dress whatever you love and whatever makes you feel better and confident – and no one will pay attention. That’s what is life like in Ukraine now and a great job Ukrainians did toward a happier future.
Also, we can’t miss a chance to tell about the most popular and the most traditional piece of Ukraine clothing – vyshyvanka, simply translated as “embroidered shirt.” Its roots go deep in Ukrainian history. Vyshyvanka was usually made by loving grandmothers for their granddaughters or mothers for their entire family. Ukrainian embroidery on vyshyvanka is unique because it mirrors the national code of all Ukrainians.
#7. Dating rules
Ukrainian dating rules aren’t that much different from the common international dating ones. But we can definitely distinguish some of the most noteworthy for Ukrainian women:
- A man has to have a great sense of humor. This rule is not common for girls from other countries but it works quite well for Ukrainian ladies. As this nation loves to have fun and is quite positive in general, the partners should match their humor abilities.
- A man has to look and smell great. Do you think all the beauty procedures Ukrainian women take are for themselves only? Well, sure. But looking gorgeous, no Ukrainian woman would want a sloppy infantile near her.
- A man has to compliment his lady a lot. It’s very important for Ukrainian ladies to feel loved and appreciated. And since they look really beautiful, you won’t have a problem complimenting her looks at all.
- A man has to be smarter than his lady. Since Ukrainian girls are highly educated and intelligent, they want to see at least an equal man by their side.
#8. Life goals
The most wanted and awaited life goal of every Ukrainian now – is a victory in the war as soon as possible. People go to sleep and wake up with the same thought. In general, Ukrainians aim to have a good life for their families and educate their children. Friends and families are the most important component of every Ukrainian’s life.
#9. Leisure time
Ukrainians love spending their free time in a family or friends circle. As this is a very friendly and hospitable nation, almost every weekend is spent together. Ukrainians go to the movies, theaters, and cafes. They love quest rooms and amusement parks. They’d never neglect to spend a weekend away from the city renting a small country house for the whole family or a friends company.
#10. Traveling around the country
Travel destinations in Ukraine are the treasure of this country, as there are different types of them: recreational, view-amazing, sea-breathing, or even mysterious ones. You’ll have a hard time choosing the most popular Ukrainian travel locations to spend your vacation. We want to tell you about the unusual but still beautiful and mystique locations to travel with your Ukrainian bride:
- Pink lake in the Kherson region. Pink lake is famous among Ukrainians and tourists for 2 reasons: health recovery and incredible pictures of the scenery. Pink colors are an amazing job of a mixture of different microorganisms and color can be brighter depending on the time of year.
- Tustan fortress in the Lviv region. A unique historical rock building that has no analogs in the whole Europe! This place is surrounded by myths and legends. But what is known for sure – it served as a guard spot on the Silk Route between China and Portugal and the Salt Route between Ukraine and Europe.
- Sofiyivsky Park in Uman. Unique dendrological park in the heart of Ukraine. It’s a popular tourist destination and extremely beautiful. It was built by count Potozky for his beautiful wife. This place is a must-visit in Ukraine.
- Aktovsky canyon in the Mykolaiv region. This place made from large rocks with a rash river underneath is a real nature miracle and attracts hundreds of tourists to feel the wildlife and take great pictures.

#11. Diverse climate
Ukraine has a temperate continental climate which expresses differently in various parts of this large country. But the main indicators of this type of climate are mild seasons changes, snow-white winters, and sunny hot summers. Since the weather varies from region to region, the West of Ukraine is colder and has more rainfalls around the year, North Ukraine is the coldest one with wind gusts, the East is cold and dry, and the South is dry and warm even during winters.
#12. Healthcare
Healthcare system is considered to be free in Ukraine, but still, as everywhere, there are free public hospitals and paid private ones. There is a stereotype in Ukraine, that private medicine is more prestigious and precise, but that’s not true. And very often in free public hospitals, you can find God gifted and qualified doctors.
#13. Employment for foreigners
It won’t be easy to get a job in Ukraine since a foreigner knows a word in Ukrainian. But still, even in such cases, there is a possibility to get a job where you won’t need to speak to anyone. On the other hand, if you know a little Ukrainian, you have more chances to be employed. As long as helping others is in Ukrainians’ blood, they’ll do everything to help you out.
#14. Cost of living
Having a salary paid in dollars and living in Ukraine already marks you as a very rich person while being paid minimum salaries in hryvnias can cause some difficulties. People in Ukraine are not seeking a wealthy life but still they want to afford to buy things they need for comfortable everyday life. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine created very useful and convenient infographics with information about the cost of living in different spheres in Ukraine, which you can check out on their website.
#15. What city to choose for a living in?
There is no definite answer to that question as every person has their own needs and preferences. One wants to live near the sea, one wants to see the mountains range from the window, one wants to live in the center of a megapolis while another wants a calm and peaceful life in a village. So, to choose what city is the most suitable for you, google the cities of Ukraine and make your considerate choice.
Ukraine is a magnificent country with millions of brave people ready to help you any minute you need this. Recent realities united them as never before and now this nation experiences their hardships being together as one big family. If you ever decide on visiting Ukraine or even marry one of its gorgeous women, believe us, you’ll never lose.